class FlickRaw::Flickr::Stats

Public Instance Methods

getCSVFiles() click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getCSVFiles request.

Returns a list of URLs for text files containing all your stats data (from November 26th 2007 onwards) for the currently auth'd user.

Please note, these files will only be available until June 1, 2010 Noon PDT. For more information please check out this FAQ, or just go download your files.


Error codes

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getCSVFiles(*args) 'flickr.stats.getCSVFiles', *args
getCollectionDomains(:date => 'date',:collection_id => 'collection_id',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getCollectionDomains request.

Get a list of referring domains for a collection


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.


The id of the collection to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all collections will be returned.


Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Collection not found

    The collection id was either invalid or was for a collection not owned by the calling user.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getCollectionDomains(*args) 'flickr.stats.getCollectionDomains', *args
getCollectionReferrers(:date => 'date',:domain => 'domain',:collection_id => 'collection_id',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getCollectionReferrers request.

Get a list of referrers from a given domain to a collection


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

domain (required)

The domain to return referrers for. This should be a hostname (eg: “”) with no protocol or pathname.


The id of the collection to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all collections will be returned.


Number of referrers to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Collection not found

    The collection id was either invalid or was for a collection not owned by the calling user.

  • 5: Invalid domain

    The domain provided is not in the expected format.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getCollectionReferrers(*args) 'flickr.stats.getCollectionReferrers', *args
getCollectionStats(:date => 'date',:collection_id => 'collection_id') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getCollectionStats request.

Get the number of views on a collection for a given date.


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

collection_id (required)

The id of the collection to get stats for.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Collection not found

    The collection id was either invalid or was for a collection not owned by the calling user.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getCollectionStats(*args) 'flickr.stats.getCollectionStats', *args
getPhotoDomains(:date => 'date',:photo_id => 'photo_id',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotoDomains request.

Get a list of referring domains for a photo


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.


The id of the photo to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all photos will be returned.


Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Photo not found

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not owned by the calling user.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotoDomains(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotoDomains', *args
getPhotoReferrers(:date => 'date',:domain => 'domain',:photo_id => 'photo_id',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotoReferrers request.

Get a list of referrers from a given domain to a photo


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

domain (required)

The domain to return referrers for. This should be a hostname (eg: “”) with no protocol or pathname.


The id of the photo to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all photos will be returned.


Number of referrers to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Photo not found

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not owned by the calling user.

  • 5: Invalid domain

    The domain provided is not in the expected format.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotoReferrers(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotoReferrers', *args
getPhotoStats(:date => 'date',:photo_id => 'photo_id') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotoStats request.

Get the number of views, comments and favorites on a photo for a given date.


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

photo_id (required)

The id of the photo to get stats for.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Photo not found

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not owned by the calling user.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotoStats(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotoStats', *args
getPhotosetDomains(:date => 'date',:photoset_id => 'photoset_id',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotosetDomains request.

Get a list of referring domains for a photoset


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.


The id of the photoset to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all sets will be returned.


Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Photoset not found

    The photoset id was either invalid or was for a set not owned by the calling user.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotosetDomains(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotosetDomains', *args
getPhotosetReferrers(:date => 'date',:domain => 'domain',:photoset_id => 'photoset_id',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotosetReferrers request.

Get a list of referrers from a given domain to a photoset


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

domain (required)

The domain to return referrers for. This should be a hostname (eg: “”) with no protocol or pathname.


The id of the photoset to get stats for. If not provided, stats for all sets will be returned.


Number of referrers to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Photoset not found

    The photoset id was either invalid or was for a set not owned by the calling user.

  • 5: Invalid domain

    The domain provided is not in the expected format.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotosetReferrers(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotosetReferrers', *args
getPhotosetStats(:date => 'date',:photoset_id => 'photoset_id') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotosetStats request.

Get the number of views on a photoset for a given date.


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

photoset_id (required)

The id of the photoset to get stats for.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 4: Photoset not found

    The photoset id was either invalid or was for a set not owned by the calling user.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotosetStats(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotosetStats', *args
getPhotostreamDomains(:date => 'date',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotostreamDomains request.

Get a list of referring domains for a photostream


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.


Number of domains to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotostreamDomains(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotostreamDomains', *args
getPhotostreamReferrers(:date => 'date',:domain => 'domain',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotostreamReferrers request.

Get a list of referrers from a given domain to a user's photostream


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

domain (required)

The domain to return referrers for. This should be a hostname (eg: “”) with no protocol or pathname.


Number of referrers to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 5: Invalid domain

    The domain provided is not in the expected format.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotostreamReferrers(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotostreamReferrers', *args
getPhotostreamStats(:date => 'date') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPhotostreamStats request.

Get the number of views on a user's photostream for a given date.


date (required)

Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPhotostreamStats(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPhotostreamStats', *args
getPopularPhotos(:date => 'date',:sort => 'sort',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getPopularPhotos request.

List the photos with the most views, comments or favorites



Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

If no date is provided, all time view counts will be returned.


The order in which to sort returned photos. Defaults to views. The possible values are views, comments and favorites.

Other sort options are available through


Number of referrers to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 25. The maximum allowed value is 100.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 5: Invalid sort

    The sort provided is not valid

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPopularPhotos(*args) 'flickr.stats.getPopularPhotos', *args
getTotalViews(:date => 'date') click to toggle source

flickr.stats.getTotalViews request.

Get the overall view counts for an account



Stats will be returned for this date. This should be in either be in YYYY-MM-DD or unix timestamp format.

A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will automatically be rounded down to the start of the day.

If no date is provided, all time view counts will be returned.

Error codes

  • 1: User does not have stats

    The user you have requested stats has not enabled stats on their account.

  • 2: No stats for that date

    No stats are available for the date requested. Flickr only keeps stats data for the last 28 days.

  • 3: Invalid date

    The date provided could not be parsed

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getTotalViews(*args) 'flickr.stats.getTotalViews', *args