class FlickRaw::Flickr::Places
Public Instance Methods
flickr.places.find request.
Return a list of place IDs for a query string. The flickr.places.find method is not a geocoder. It will round up to the nearest place type to which place IDs apply. For example, if you pass it a street level address it will return the city that contains the address rather than the street, or building, itself.
- query (required)
The query string to use for place ID lookups
- bbox
A bounding box for limiting the area to query.
- extras
Secret sauce.
- safe
Do we want sexy time words in our venue results?
Error codes
1: Required parameter missing
One or more required parameters was not included with the API call.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
Alabama, Alabama, United StatesAlabama, New York, United StatesAlabama, North West, South Africa
# Generated automatically from flickr api def find(*args) 'flickr.places.find', *args end
flickr.places.findByLatLon request.
Return a place ID for a latitude, longitude and accuracy triple. The flickr.places.findByLatLon method is not meant to be a (reverse) geocoder in the traditional sense. It is designed to allow users to find photos for “places” and will round up to the nearest place type to which corresponding place IDs apply. For example, if you pass it a street level coordinate it will return the city that contains the point rather than the street, or building, itself. It will also truncate latitudes and longitudes to three decimal points.
- lat (required)
The latitude whose valid range is -90 to 90. Anything more than 4 decimal places will be truncated.
- lon (required)
The longitude whose valid range is -180 to 180. Anything more than 4 decimal places will be truncated.
- accuracy
Recorded accuracy level of the location information. World level is 1, Country is ~3, Region ~6, City ~11, Street ~16. Current range is 1-16. The default is 16.
Error codes
1: Required arguments missing
One or more required parameters was not included with the API request.
2: Not a valid latitude
The latitude argument failed validation.
3: Not a valid longitude
The longitude argument failed validation.
4: Not a valid accuracy
The accuracy argument failed validation.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
# Generated automatically from flickr api def findByLatLon(*args) 'flickr.places.findByLatLon', *args end
flickr.places.getChildrenWithPhotosPublic request.
Return a list of locations with public photos that are parented by a Where on Earth (WOE) or Places ID.
- place_id
A Flickr Places ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- woe_id
A Where On Earth (WOE) ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
Error codes
1: Required parameter missing
One or more required parameter is missing from the API call.
2: Not a valid Places ID
An invalid Places (or WOE) ID was passed with the API call.
3: Place not found
No place could be found for the Places (or WOE) ID passed to the API call.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
Montreal Golden Square Mile, Montreal, QC, CA, Canada Downtown Montréal, Montreal, QC, CA, Canada
# Generated automatically from flickr api def getChildrenWithPhotosPublic(*args) 'flickr.places.getChildrenWithPhotosPublic', *args end
flickr.places.getInfo request.
Get informations about a place.
- place_id
A Flickr Places ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- woe_id
A Where On Earth (WOE) ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
Error codes
1: Required parameter missing
One or more required parameter is missing from the API call.
2: Not a valid Places ID
An invalid Places (or WOE) ID was passed with the API call.
3: Place not found
No place could be found for the Places (or WOE) ID passed to the API call.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
MontrealMontréalQuebecCanada 45.427627563477,-73.589645385742 45.428966522217,-73.587898254395, etc...
# Generated automatically from flickr api def getInfo(*args) 'flickr.places.getInfo', *args end
flickr.places.getInfoByUrl request.
Lookup information about a place, by its URL.
- url (required)
A URL in the form of /country/region/city. For example: /Canada/Quebec/Montreal
Error codes
2: Place URL required.
The URL was not passed with the API method.
3: Place not found.
Unable to find a valid place for the places URL.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
MontrealMontréalQuebecCanada 45.427627563477,-73.589645385742 45.428966522217,-73.587898254395, etc...
# Generated automatically from flickr api def getInfoByUrl(*args) 'flickr.places.getInfoByUrl', *args end
flickr.places.getPlaceTypes request.
Fetches a list of available place types for Flickr.
Error codes
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
# Generated automatically from flickr api def getPlaceTypes(*args) 'flickr.places.getPlaceTypes', *args end
flickr.places.getShapeHistory request.
Return an historical list of all the shape data generated for a Places or Where on Earth (WOE) ID.
- place_id
A Flickr Places ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- woe_id
A Where On Earth (WOE) ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
Error codes
1: Required parameter missing
One or more required parameter is missing from the API call.
2: Not a valid Places ID
An invalid Places (or WOE) ID was passed with the API call.
3: Place not found
No place could be found for the Places (or WOE) ID passed to the API call.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
45.427627563477,-73.589645385742 45.428966522217,-73.587898254395, etc...
# Generated automatically from flickr api def getShapeHistory(*args) 'flickr.places.getShapeHistory', *args end
flickr.places.getTopPlacesList request.
Return the top 100 most geotagged places for a day.
- place_type_id (required)
The numeric ID for a specific place type to cluster photos by.
Valid place type IDs are :
22: neighbourhood 7: locality 8: region 12: country 29: continent
- date
A valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format. The default is yesterday.
- woe_id
Limit your query to only those top places belonging to a specific Where on Earth (WOE) identifier.
- place_id
Limit your query to only those top places belonging to a specific Flickr Places identifier.
Error codes
1: Required parameter missing
One or more required parameters with missing from your request.
2: Not a valid place type.
An unknown or unsupported place type ID was passed with your request.
3: Not a valid date.
The date argument passed with your request is invalid.
4: Not a valid Place ID
An invalid Places (or WOE) identifier was included with your request.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
United States
# Generated automatically from flickr api def getTopPlacesList(*args) 'flickr.places.getTopPlacesList', *args end
flickr.places.placesForBoundingBox request.
Return all the locations of a matching place type for a bounding box.
The maximum allowable size of a bounding box (the distance between the SW and NE corners) is governed by the place type you are requesting. Allowable sizes are as follows:
neighbourhood: 3km (1.8mi) locality: 7km (4.3mi) county: 50km (31mi) region: 200km (124mi) country: 500km (310mi) continent: 1500km (932mi)
- bbox (required)
A comma-delimited list of 4 values defining the Bounding Box of the area that will be searched. The 4 values represent the bottom-left corner of the box and the top-right corner, minimum_longitude, minimum_latitude, maximum_longitude, maximum_latitude.
- place_type
The name of place type to using as the starting point to search for places in a bounding box. Valid placetypes are:
neighbourhood locality county region country continent The “place_type” argument has been deprecated in favor of the “place_type_id” argument. It won't go away but it will not be added to new methods. A complete list of place type IDs is available using the flickr.places.getPlaceTypes method. (While optional, you must pass either a valid place type or place type ID.)
- place_type_id
The numeric ID for a specific place type to cluster photos by.
Valid place type IDs are :
22: neighbourhood 7: locality 8: region 12: country 29: continent (While optional, you must pass either a valid place type or place type ID.)
- recursive
Perform a recursive place type search. For example, if you search for neighbourhoods in a given bounding box but there are no results the method will also query for localities and so on until one or more valid places are found.
Recursive searches do not change the bounding box size restrictions for the initial place type passed to the method.
Error codes
1: Required parameters missing
One or more required parameter is missing from the API call.
2: Not a valid bbox
The bbox argument was incomplete or incorrectly formatted
3: Not a valid place type
An invalid place type was included with your request.
4: Bounding box exceeds maximum allowable size for place type
The bounding box passed along with your request was too large for the request place type.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
Downtown, San Francisco, CA, US, United States Civic Center, San Francisco, CA, US, United States Chinatown, San Francisco, CA, US, United States
# Generated automatically from flickr api def placesForBoundingBox(*args) 'flickr.places.placesForBoundingBox', *args end
flickr.places.placesForContacts request.
Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for a user's contacts.
- place_type
A specific place type to cluster photos by.
Valid place types are :
neighbourhood (and neighborhood) locality region country continent The “place_type” argument has been deprecated in favor of the “place_type_id” argument. It won't go away but it will not be added to new methods. A complete list of place type IDs is available using the flickr.places.getPlaceTypes method. (While optional, you must pass either a valid place type or place type ID.)
- place_type_id
The numeric ID for a specific place type to cluster photos by.
Valid place type IDs are :
22: neighbourhood 7: locality 8: region 12: country 29: continent (While optional, you must pass either a valid place type or place type ID.)
- woe_id
A Where on Earth identifier to use to filter photo clusters. For example all the photos clustered by locality in the United States (WOE ID 23424977).(While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- place_id
A Flickr Places identifier to use to filter photo clusters. For example all the photos clustered by locality in the United States (Place ID 4KO02SibApitvSBieQ).
(While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- threshold
The minimum number of photos that a place type must have to be included. If the number of photos is lowered then the parent place type for that place will be used.
For example if your contacts only have 3 photos taken in the locality of Montreal (WOE ID 3534) but your threshold is set to 5 then those photos will be “rolled up” and included instead with a place record for the region of Quebec (WOE ID 2344924).
- contacts
Search your contacts. Either 'all' or 'ff' for just friends and family. (Default is all)
- min_upload_date
Minimum upload date. Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp.
- max_upload_date
Maximum upload date. Photos with an upload date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp.
- min_taken_date
Minimum taken date. Photos with an taken date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime.
- max_taken_date
Maximum taken date. Photos with an taken date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime.
Error codes
1: Places for contacts are not available at this time
Places for contacts have been disabled or are otherwise not available.
2: Required parameter missing
One or more of the required parameters was not included with your request.
3: Not a valid place type.
An invalid place type was included with your request.
4: Not a valid Place ID
An invalid Places (or WOE) identifier was included with your request.
5: Not a valid threshold
The threshold passed was invalid.
6: Not a valid contacts type
Contacts must be either “all” or “ff” (friends and family).
96: Invalid signature
The passed signature was invalid.
97: Missing signature
The call required signing but no signature was sent.
98: Login failed / Invalid auth token
The login details or auth token passed were invalid.
99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions
The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
San Francisco, California
# Generated automatically from flickr api def placesForContacts(*args) 'flickr.places.placesForContacts', *args end
flickr.places.placesForTags request.
Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for set of tags or machine tags.
- place_type_id (required)
The numeric ID for a specific place type to cluster photos by.
Valid place type IDs are :
22: neighbourhood 7: locality 8: region 12: country 29: continent
- woe_id
A Where on Earth identifier to use to filter photo clusters. For example all the photos clustered by locality in the United States (WOE ID 23424977).
(While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- place_id
A Flickr Places identifier to use to filter photo clusters. For example all the photos clustered by locality in the United States (Place ID 4KO02SibApitvSBieQ).
(While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- threshold
The minimum number of photos that a place type must have to be included. If the number of photos is lowered then the parent place type for that place will be used.
For example if you only have 3 photos taken in the locality of Montreal (WOE ID 3534) but your threshold is set to 5 then those photos will be “rolled up” and included instead with a place record for the region of Quebec (WOE ID 2344924).
- tags
A comma-delimited list of tags. Photos with one or more of the tags listed will be returned.
- tag_mode
Either 'any' for an OR combination of tags, or 'all' for an AND combination. Defaults to 'any' if not specified.
- machine_tags
Aside from passing in a fully formed machine tag, there is a special syntax for searching on specific properties :
Find photos using the 'dc' namespace : “machine_tags” => “dc:”
Find photos with a title in the 'dc' namespace : "machine_tags" => "dc:title=" Find photos titled "mr. camera" in the 'dc' namespace : "machine_tags" => "dc:title=\"mr. camera\" Find photos whose value is "mr. camera" : "machine_tags" => "*:*=\"mr. camera\"" Find photos that have a title, in any namespace : "machine_tags" => "*:title=" Find photos that have a title, in any namespace, whose value is "mr. camera" : "machine_tags" => "*:title=\"mr. camera\"" Find photos, in the 'dc' namespace whose value is "mr. camera" : "machine_tags" => "dc:*=\"mr. camera\""
Multiple machine tags may be queried by passing a comma-separated list. The number of machine tags you can pass in a single query depends on the tag mode (AND or OR) that you are querying with. “AND” queries are limited to (16) machine tags. “OR” queries are limited to (8).
- machine_tag_mode
Either 'any' for an OR combination of tags, or 'all' for an AND combination. Defaults to 'any' if not specified.
- min_upload_date
Minimum upload date. Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp.
- max_upload_date
Maximum upload date. Photos with an upload date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp.
- min_taken_date
Minimum taken date. Photos with an taken date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime.
- max_taken_date
Maximum taken date. Photos with an taken date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime.
Error codes
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
San Francisco, California
# Generated automatically from flickr api def placesForTags(*args) 'flickr.places.placesForTags', *args end
flickr.places.placesForUser request.
Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for a user.
- place_type_id
The numeric ID for a specific place type to cluster photos by.
Valid place type IDs are :
22: neighbourhood 7: locality 8: region 12: country 29: continent The “place_type” argument has been deprecated in favor of the “place_type_id” argument. It won't go away but it will not be added to new methods. A complete list of place type IDs is available using the flickr.places.getPlaceTypes method. (While optional, you must pass either a valid place type or place type ID.)
- place_type
A specific place type to cluster photos by.
Valid place types are :
neighbourhood (and neighborhood) locality region country continent (While optional, you must pass either a valid place type or place type ID.)
- woe_id
A Where on Earth identifier to use to filter photo clusters. For example all the photos clustered by locality in the United States (WOE ID 23424977).(While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- place_id
A Flickr Places identifier to use to filter photo clusters. For example all the photos clustered by locality in the United States (Place ID 4KO02SibApitvSBieQ).(While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)
- threshold
The minimum number of photos that a place type must have to be included. If the number of photos is lowered then the parent place type for that place will be used.
For example if you only have 3 photos taken in the locality of Montreal (WOE ID 3534) but your threshold is set to 5 then those photos will be “rolled up” and included instead with a place record for the region of Quebec (WOE ID 2344924).
- min_upload_date
Minimum upload date. Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp.
- max_upload_date
Maximum upload date. Photos with an upload date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a unix timestamp.
- min_taken_date
Minimum taken date. Photos with an taken date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime.
- max_taken_date
Maximum taken date. Photos with an taken date less than or equal to this value will be returned. The date should be in the form of a mysql datetime.
Error codes
1: Places for user are not available at this time
Places for user have been disabled or are otherwise not available.
2: Required parameter missing
One or more of the required parameters was not included with your request.
3: Not a valid place type
An invalid place type was included with your request.
4: Not a valid Place ID
An invalid Places (or WOE) identifier was included with your request.
5: Not a valid threshold
The threshold passed was invalid.
96: Invalid signature
The passed signature was invalid.
97: Missing signature
The call required signing but no signature was sent.
98: Login failed / Invalid auth token
The login details or auth token passed were invalid.
99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions
The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
San Francisco, California
# Generated automatically from flickr api def placesForUser(*args) 'flickr.places.placesForUser', *args end
flickr.places.resolvePlaceId request.
Find Flickr Places information by Place ID. This method has been deprecated. It won't be removed but you should use flickr.places.getInfo instead.
Error codes
2: Place ID required.
3: Place not found.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaUnited States
# Generated automatically from flickr api def resolvePlaceId(*args) 'flickr.places.resolvePlaceId', *args end
flickr.places.resolvePlaceURL request.
Find Flickr Places information by Place URL. This method has been deprecated. It won't be removed but you should use flickr.places.getInfoByUrl instead.
Flickr Place URLs are of the form /country/region/city
Error codes
2: Place URL required.
3: Place not found.
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaUnited States
# Generated automatically from flickr api def resolvePlaceURL(*args) 'flickr.places.resolvePlaceURL', *args end