class FlickRaw::Flickr::Photos::Geo

Public Instance Methods

batchCorrectLocation(:lat => 'lat',:lon => 'lon',:accuracy => 'accuracy',:place_id => 'place_id',:woe_id => 'woe_id') click to toggle source request.

Correct the places hierarchy for all the photos for a user at a given latitude, longitude and accuracy.

Batch corrections are processed in a delayed queue so it may take a few minutes before the changes are reflected in a user's photos.


lat (required)

The latitude of the photos to be update whose valid range is -90 to 90. Anything more than 6 decimal places will be truncated.

lon (required)

The longitude of the photos to be updated whose valid range is -180 to 180. Anything more than 6 decimal places will be truncated.

accuracy (required)

Recorded accuracy level of the photos to be updated. World level is 1, Country is ~3, Region ~6, City ~11, Street ~16. Current range is 1-16. Defaults to 16 if not specified.


A Flickr Places ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)


A Where On Earth (WOE) ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)

Error codes

  • 1: Required arguments missing

    Some or all of the required arguments were not supplied.

  • 2: Not a valid latitude

    The latitude argument failed validation.

  • 3: Not a valid longitude

    The longitude argument failed validation.

  • 4: Not a valid accuracy

    The accuracy argument failed validation.

  • 5: Not a valid Places ID

    An invalid Places (or WOE) ID was passed with the API call.

  • 6: No photos geotagged at that location

    There were no geotagged photos found for the authed user at the supplied latitude, longitude and accuracy.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.

# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def batchCorrectLocation(*args) '', *args
correctLocation(:photo_id => 'photo_id',:place_id => 'place_id',:woe_id => 'woe_id',:foursquare_id => 'foursquare_id') click to toggle source request.


photo_id (required)

The ID of the photo whose WOE location is being corrected.


A Flickr Places ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)


A Where On Earth (WOE) ID. (While optional, you must pass either a valid Places ID or a WOE ID.)

foursquare_id (required)

The venue ID for a Foursquare location. (If not passed in with correction, any existing foursquare venue will be removed).

Error codes

  • 1: User has not configured default viewing settings for location data.

    Before users may assign location data to a photo they must define who, by default, may view that information. Users can edit this preference at

  • 2: Missing place ID

    No place ID was passed to the method

  • 3: Not a valid place ID

    The place ID passed to the method could not be identified

  • 4: Server error correcting location.

    There was an error trying to correct the location.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.

# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def correctLocation(*args) '', *args
getLocation(:photo_id => 'photo_id',:extras => 'extras') click to toggle source request.

Get the geo data (latitude and longitude and the accuracy level) for a photo.


photo_id (required)

The id of the photo you want to retrieve location data for.


Extra flags.

Error codes

  • 1: Photo not found.

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not viewable by the calling user.

  • 2: Photo has no location information.

    The photo requested has no location data or is not viewable by the calling user.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getLocation(*args) '', *args
getPerms(:photo_id => 'photo_id') click to toggle source request.

Get permissions for who may view geo data for a photo.


photo_id (required)

The id of the photo to get permissions for.

Error codes

  • 1: Photo not found

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not viewable by the calling user.

  • 2: Photo has no location information

    The photo requested has no location data or is not viewable by the calling user.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPerms(*args) '', *args
photosForLocation(:lat => 'lat',:lon => 'lon',:accuracy => 'accuracy',:extras => 'extras',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source request.

Return a list of photos for the calling user at a specific latitude, longitude and accuracy


lat (required)

The latitude whose valid range is -90 to 90. Anything more than 6 decimal places will be truncated.

lon (required)

The longitude whose valid range is -180 to 180. Anything more than 6 decimal places will be truncated.


Recorded accuracy level of the location information. World level is 1, Country is ~3, Region ~6, City ~11, Street ~16. Current range is 1-16. Defaults to 16 if not specified.


A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record. Currently supported fields are: description, license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, machine_tags, o_dims, views, media, path_alias, url_sq, url_t, url_s, url_q, url_m, url_n, url_z, url_c, url_l, url_o


Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: Required arguments missing

    One or more required arguments was missing from the method call.

  • 2: Not a valid latitude

    The latitude argument failed validation.

  • 3: Not a valid longitude

    The longitude argument failed validation.

  • 4: Not a valid accuracy

    The accuracy argument failed validation.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.

# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def photosForLocation(*args) '', *args
removeLocation(:photo_id => 'photo_id') click to toggle source request.

Removes the geo data associated with a photo.


photo_id (required)

The id of the photo you want to remove location data from.

Error codes

  • 1: Photo not found

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not viewable by the calling user.

  • 2: Photo has no location information

    The specified photo has not been geotagged - there is nothing to remove.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.

# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def removeLocation(*args) '', *args
setContext(:photo_id => 'photo_id',:context => 'context') click to toggle source request.

Indicate the state of a photo's geotagginess beyond latitude and longitude. Note : photos passed to this method must already be geotagged (using the method).


photo_id (required)

The id of the photo to set context data for.

context (required)

Context is a numeric value representing the photo's geotagginess beyond latitude and longitude. For example, you may wish to indicate that a photo was taken “indoors” or “outdoors”.

The current list of context IDs is :0, not defined. 1, indoors. 2, outdoors.

Error codes

  • 1: Photo not found

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not viewable by the calling user.

  • 2: Not a valid context

    The context ID passed to the method is invalid.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.

# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def setContext(*args) '', *args
setLocation(:photo_id => 'photo_id',:lat => 'lat',:lon => 'lon',:accuracy => 'accuracy',:context => 'context',:bookmark_id => 'bookmark_id',:is_public => 'is_public',:is_contact => 'is_contact',:is_friend => 'is_friend',:is_family => 'is_family',:foursquare_id => 'foursquare_id',:woeid => 'woeid') click to toggle source request.

Sets the geo data (latitude and longitude and, optionally, the accuracy level) for a photo.

Before users may assign location data to a photo they must define who, by default, may view that information. Users can edit this preference at If a user has not set this preference, the API method will return an error.


photo_id (required)

The id of the photo to set location data for.

lat (required)

The latitude whose valid range is -90 to 90. Anything more than 6 decimal places will be truncated.

lon (required)

The longitude whose valid range is -180 to 180. Anything more than 6 decimal places will be truncated.


Recorded accuracy level of the location information. World level is 1, Country is ~3, Region ~6, City ~11, Street ~16. Current range is 1-16. Defaults to 16 if not specified.


Context is a numeric value representing the photo's geotagginess beyond latitude and longitude. For example, you may wish to indicate that a photo was taken “indoors” or “outdoors”.

The current list of context IDs is :0, not defined. 1, indoors. 2, outdoors.

The default context for geotagged photos is 0, or “not defined”


Associate a geo bookmark with this photo.


The venue ID for a Foursquare location.


A Where On Earth (WOE) ID. (If passed in, will override the default venue based on the lat/lon.)

Error codes

  • 1: Photo not found

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not viewable by the calling user.

  • 2: Required arguments missing.

    Some or all of the required arguments were not supplied.

  • 3: Not a valid latitude.

    The latitude argument failed validation.

  • 4: Not a valid longitude.

    The longitude argument failed validation.

  • 5: Not a valid accuracy.

    The accuracy argument failed validation.

  • 6: Server error.

    There was an unexpected problem setting location information to the photo.

  • 7: User has not configured default viewing settings for location data.

    Before users may assign location data to a photo they must define who, by default, may view that information. Users can edit this preference at

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.

# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def setLocation(*args) '', *args
setPerms(:is_public => 'is_public',:is_contact => 'is_contact',:is_friend => 'is_friend',:is_family => 'is_family',:photo_id => 'photo_id') click to toggle source request.

Set the permission for who may view the geo data associated with a photo.


is_public (required)

1 to set viewing permissions for the photo's location data to public, 0 to set it to private.

is_contact (required)

1 to set viewing permissions for the photo's location data to contacts, 0 to set it to private.

is_friend (required)

1 to set viewing permissions for the photo's location data to friends, 0 to set it to private.

is_family (required)

1 to set viewing permissions for the photo's location data to family, 0 to set it to private.

photo_id (required)

The id of the photo to get permissions for.

Error codes

  • 1: Photo not found

    The photo id was either invalid or was for a photo not viewable by the calling user.

  • 2: Photo has no location information

    The photo requested has no location data or is not viewable by the calling user.

  • 3: Required arguments missing.

    Some or all of the required arguments were not supplied.

  • 96: Invalid signature

    The passed signature was invalid.

  • 97: Missing signature

    The call required signing but no signature was sent.

  • 98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

    The login details or auth token passed were invalid.

  • 99: User not logged in / Insufficient permissions

    The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.

# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def setPerms(*args) '', *args