class FlickRaw::Flickr::Machinetags

Public Instance Methods

getNamespaces(:predicate => 'predicate',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.machinetags.getNamespaces request.

Return a list of unique namespaces, optionally limited by a given predicate, in alphabetical order.



Limit the list of namespaces returned to those that have the following predicate.


Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: Not a valid predicate.

    Missing or invalid predicate argument.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getNamespaces(*args) 'flickr.machinetags.getNamespaces', *args
getPairs(:namespace => 'namespace',:predicate => 'predicate',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.machinetags.getPairs request.

Return a list of unique namespace and predicate pairs, optionally limited by predicate or namespace, in alphabetical order.



Limit the list of pairs returned to those that have the following namespace.


Limit the list of pairs returned to those that have the following predicate.


Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: Not a valid namespace

    Missing or invalid namespace argument.

  • 2: Not a valid predicate

    Missing or invalid predicate argument.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPairs(*args) 'flickr.machinetags.getPairs', *args
getPredicates(:namespace => 'namespace',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page') click to toggle source

flickr.machinetags.getPredicates request.

Return a list of unique predicates, optionally limited by a given namespace.



Limit the list of predicates returned to those that have the following namespace.


Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Error codes

  • 1: Not a valid namespace

    Missing or invalid namespace argument.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getPredicates(*args) 'flickr.machinetags.getPredicates', *args
getRecentValues(:namespace => 'namespace',:predicate => 'predicate',:added_since => 'added_since') click to toggle source

flickr.machinetags.getRecentValues request.

Fetch recently used (or created) machine tags values.



A namespace that all values should be restricted to.


A predicate that all values should be restricted to.


Only return machine tags values that have been added since this timestamp, in epoch seconds.

Error codes

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


maui chaff flower
# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getRecentValues(*args) 'flickr.machinetags.getRecentValues', *args
getValues(:namespace => 'namespace',:predicate => 'predicate',:per_page => 'per_page',:page => 'page',:usage => 'usage') click to toggle source

flickr.machinetags.getValues request.

Return a list of unique values for a namespace and predicate.


namespace (required)

The namespace that all values should be restricted to.

predicate (required)

The predicate that all values should be restricted to.


Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.


The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.


Minimum usage count.

Error codes

  • 1: Not a valid namespace

    Missing or invalid namespace argument.

  • 2: Not a valid predicate

    Missing or invalid predicate argument.

  • 100: Invalid API Key

    The API key passed was not valid or has expired.

  • 105: Service currently unavailable

    The requested service is temporarily unavailable.

  • 106: Write operation failed

    The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.

  • 111: Format “xxx” not found

    The requested response format was not found.

  • 112: Method “xxx” not found

    The requested method was not found.

  • 114: Invalid SOAP envelope

    The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.

  • 115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call

    The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.

  • 116: Bad URL found

    One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.


# Generated automatically from flickr api
  def getValues(*args) 'flickr.machinetags.getValues', *args