class FlickRaw::Flickr::Interestingness
Public Instance Methods
flickr.interestingness.getList request.
Returns the list of interesting photos for the most recent day or a user-specified date.
- date
A specific date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, to return interesting photos for.
- use_panda
Always ask the pandas for interesting photos. This is a temporary argument to allow developers to update their code.
- offset_days
Specifies the number of days in the past since the last day that the interestingness content is available for.
For example, to get the latest interestingness content set offset_days = 0 (which is also the default). To get the interestingness content for 1 day prior to the latest day that the content is available for, set offset_days = 1
- extras
A comma-delimited list of extra information to fetch for each returned record. Currently supported fields are: description, license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, machine_tags, o_dims, views, media, path_alias, url_sq, url_t, url_s, url_q, url_m, url_n, url_z, url_c, url_l, url_o
- per_page
Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.
- page
The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.
Error codes
1: Not a valid date string.
The date string passed did not validate. All dates must be formatted : YYYY-MM-DD
100: Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
105: Service currently unavailable
The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
106: Write operation failed
The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue.
111: Format “xxx” not found
The requested response format was not found.
112: Method “xxx” not found
The requested method was not found.
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
116: Bad URL found
One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr.
# Generated automatically from flickr api def getList(*args) 'flickr.interestingness.getList', *args end